Everton are set to move out of Goodison Park at the end of next season

Everton are set to move out of Goodison Park at the end of next season

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 The new stadium is set to be finished in late 2024 but Everton have taken the decision - which is not related to any construction delays - to not move homes mid-season, which might have caused logistical, commercial and footballing issues.

By the time Everton move, they will have been at Goodison Park for nearly 134 years. Test events, some involving fans, will be conducted throughout next season - and there are likely to be a number of friendlies at the dockside stadium before competitive fixtures take place.

Interim CEO Colin Chong said: ‘Firstly, and to be absolutely clear, our decision to not move in mid-season is not because of a construction delay. 

'It is a Club decision driven by a combination of commercial insight, a comprehensive review of the logistics required, an analysis of the potential impact upon our football operations and, importantly, fan feedback sourced as part of our recent stadium migration survey, which was completed by almost 10,000 Evertonians.

‘Everton Stadium remains firmly on track, as scheduled, to be completed in the final weeks of 2024.

‘We will need to conduct test events at our new home, which will allow us to stress-test the stadium in a number of different ways in order to obtain our Safety Certificate. It will also give Evertonians a chance to see and sample the new facilities.

‘Some of our test events will involve crowds of varying capacities, while others will need to be operationally focused and only involve our own staff.
‘We will, of course, provide more details on how Evertonians can get involved and register for those events in due course.

‘All of this does mean that next season, 2024/25, is scheduled to be our last at Goodison Park. By the time we close the gates for the final time, Goodison will have been our home for nearly 134 years, with many supporters telling us very clearly about their desire to make sure the Grand Old Lady gets a fitting send-off.

‘For a while now, the Club has been looking at a series of events, tours and celebrations that will allow us all to pay tribute to one of the world’s most iconic and well-known stadiums.

‘Now we know the farewell to Goodison will be a year-long celebration, we can start to firm up those plans and we will begin to reveal more details around what is planned and how fans can get involved later this season.’

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